
Jungle Hunt, originally released as Jungle King, is a side-scrolling action game developed by Taito and released for arcades in 1982. It was originally distributed as Jungle King, then quickly modified and re-released as Jungle Hunt due to a copyright dispute over the player character’s likeness to Tarzan. Jungle King, along with Moon Patrol released...
Adventure is a 1980 action-adventure game developed by Warren Robinett and published by Atari, Inc. for the Atari Video Computer System (later renamed Atari 2600). The player controls a square avatar whose quest is to explore an open-ended environment to find a magical chalice and return it to the golden castle. The game world is...
Pitfall! is a video game set in a jungle where the player controls Pitfall Harry, a fortune hunter and explorer. Pitfall! has been characterized as a platformer by Nick Montfort and Ian Bogost, the authors of Racing the Beam. Similar to Superman (1979) and Adventure (1980), the game does not feature side-scrolling and instead loads...
New characters and stages join the entire legacy roster! Gaming icons clash in the ultimate brawl you can play anytime, anywhere! Smash rivals off the stage as new characters Simon Belmont and King K. Rool join Inkling, Ridley, and every fighter in Super Smash Bros. history. Enjoy enhanced speed and combat at new stages based...
FEED YOUR APPETITE FOR ADVENTURE IN PAC-MAN WORLD Re-PAC! PAC-MAN arrives home on his birthday to find the Ghosts have kidnapped PAC-MAN’s family and ruined his party! Off to the rescue, PAC-MAN sets out to Ghost Island! • With improved UI, fine-tuned mechanics and updated visuals, PAC-MAN WORLD Re-PAC is a modernized classic! • Dodge...

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